"A father to the fatherless... God sets the lonely in families." (Psalm 68:5-6a)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Judy's Nov. 21 update

Good morning!

It is Sunday morning here, and we are experiencing an exciting moment . . . one of the guests here is running the Great Ethiopian Race . . . he is a runner from Kentucky, and was very excited when he discovered that he would be here for their adoption at the same time this well-known race is being run.  He was REALLY sick 24 hours ago, so there was a good possibility he wouldn't be able to run, but run he did, and we've even seen him on the t.v. coverage three times.  This place erupted with excitement when we saw him!!!  Some of the adults will be going to a church service in Amharic; it is apparently a Pentecostal-type Covenant church, and Jaci and Bethlehem are going to go.  The other women and babies are going to hang out here . . .

Last night our "cultural" night out at Ephrim's apartment turned out to be an amazing evening.  His purpose in having us over was to introduce us to a couple from Florida who are adopting a 4 year old girl, and they have 4 children at home: twin boys 13, an 11 year old and a 10 year old.  He went to Dallas Seminary, and he and Jaci had many friends or teachers in common.  They had their 22 year old niece with them.  Ephrim's wife served Injera, the best we've had so far.  When Ephrim brought us home, he was so excited that their had been good connections between his guests.  He hopes to have his own guest house in the near future, and is also establishing a coffee business. 

Our other big event was a trip to one of the markets yesterday--a row of very small shops with a variety of merchandise and somewhat of a bartering system in place.  We went with a van-full of people and all of us came back with some souveniers tho' the quality is definitely questionable.  There were several people there who were begging, and a guard who chased the children away whenever they got too close . . . You feel so sorry for them, but you can't help everyone . . . and it is very hard . . . Afterwards we all went out to an Italian Restaurant and most of us had pizza . . . it was pretty good!  One of the gals brought most of hers back, and when we stopped at an ATM machine and again were surrounded by begging children, she gave her pizza to one of them and they ran off and shared it with the biggest smiles . . . ahhhh, Ethiopian memories.

I was hoping to change my flight home, but have been overruled, so will be here until Wednesday evening.  Jim flies in Tuesday evening.  There is a chance we may move on Tuesday, but it's definitely a wait and see since either the people who are staying there or their driver is sick.  So, as we're learning is the norm here, we are going with the flow. . .

Think that's about it for now, so will send love and hugs,

Judy (and Jaci and Bethlehem)

P.S. Jaci asked me to again thank you for your prayers . . . life is defintely challenging and an ongoing adventure here, and we are relying on and feeling your support and prayers . . .

(Thank you Judy for your wonderful updates... I will certainly miss them when you head back home!
Love you - Jim)

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