"A father to the fatherless... God sets the lonely in families." (Psalm 68:5-6a)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jaci & Tarike at the Thomas Center...

One bonus of staying in Addis the extra 5 days is we were able to see Tarike again on Monday before flying home. She was moved to the Thomas Center along with the other CHI children at the orphanage in Adama... so we saw her "home" until we come back for her. That was so nice!

Also - we were praying for the last few months for a miracle of being able to get into the adoption court before they closed for "rainy season." Well, we found out that we appeared on the very last day of court, and then they closed. This is great because it means we will likely be able to go get Tarike and bring her home 2-4 months earlier than if we had not gotten in before the courts closed. Praise God.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

We love you!
Jim & Jaci

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Meet Tarike!
Here we are within an hour of meeting at the orphanage on Tuesday afternoon. We had such a sweet four hours together. Thanks for your prayers and support for our adoption! We love you! Jim & Jaci

Dear Family and Friends!  

Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior!!  If it wasn't for Him, we wouldn't be here right now!

We are so excited . . . yes, she is officially our daughter, Tarike Kennington!  She is a real jewel! We met her Monday at the orphanage and thoroughly enjoyed 4 hours with her there! Then today we passed court and it is official!

Thank you all for your love and support.  We love you all and know that God has blessed us through each of you!

Love, Jim and Jaci

PS - As soon as we figure out how to upload a photo we will do that! LOL!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tomorrow we meet her!

Hi everyone,                                                                                                                                          We are in Ethiopia to meet our daughter on the 13th! It happened so fast that we didn't have time to say much. We have been here for a week now... visiting friends from Lake City and helping on a mission project. Now we get down to the matter of meeting our daughter tomorrow. We can't wait! After we pass court on Wednesday we can reveal her name and show photos!                     Thank you for praying! 

We love you, Jim & Jaci

Friday, August 2, 2013

COURT DATE! YAY!                                                                                                         Hi everyone, we received a phone call this morning with the news we have been waiting for. We are going to Ethiopia SOON! Possibly leaving Monday! Our court date is Aug. 14th and we will be meeting our daughter on August 13th. The best part of this is we get to go BEFORE court closes for rainy season. Thanks for praying! We are still working on the flight arrangements so we don't have those firmed up yet. Please pray for those to come together in such a way that it works well for visiting friends in Ethiopia, a YWAM project in Ethiopia, and getting back for our church's family camp. We are on wait list to get back in time for family camp, and won't likely know about that until Monday. Thank you again for your prayers! We love you! Jim & Jaci

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hi everyone,                                                                                                                                     I apologize that we haven't had more news to share lately. Sometimes the most difficult part of adoption is the waiting! We did hear today that the final paper has been submitted to court in Ethiopia and that we could get a court date as soon as tomorrow. One family did get a court date today of August 12. That is good news... it means that court isn't closing on August 6 as we had heard earlier. So we are praying we can still get a court date before the court closes for rainy season. We appreciate your prayers for this, and for Tarike too! We love you!
Jim & Jaci